St. Louis family photographer
It seems like it was just a short time ago that I photographed Daniel's newborn session, and here it is one year later! My oh my how he's changed! He loves chasing around his older brothers and sister, loves to eat cheerios, likes his choo choo book and loves his mommy and daddy...and he gives a good stink eye to photographers who get in his way. ;)
When I photograph families my overall goal is to capture love. As cheesy as that may sound, its true. I'm not focusing on having everyone look at the camera, I'd rather capture the connection they share with each other...which also brings out natural smiles, happiness and joy. Its my goal to capture families as they are, in whatever season of life they are in...even the crazy toddler moments when it feels like total chaos! These are the memories that will bring a smile to your face twenty years down the road. I love this family session. Such a fun family full of love and happiness...and craziness with two small boys. :)
"In this house we are thankful, we give second chances, we give hugs, we laugh a lot, we do loud really well, we are real, we never give up, we love." - annonymous
"If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart." - anonymous
"Loving, Caring, Sharing...this is family." - anonymous
It's said that families who play together, stay together...in this case it's families who play guitar together stay together! Grant plays guitar and Brooks loves to hear is Daddy play. He loves it so much that he always try to "help" and they ended up buying him his own guitar. :)