family photography
I’ve been photographing the Bell family for the last three years. I always enjoy seeing them and chasing their sweet identical triplets around, they just turned three. Yes, I said triplets…and identical. Luckily for me Malorie dresses them in different color dresses to help me tell them apart. ;) Malorie also has a handsome son AND she is expecting baby number 5. I can’t wait to meet the new little mister when he arrives in December.
I photographed Missy and Mike's engagement session and their wedding a couple of years ago. It's always such a blessing to me to watch couples grow and start their families and I'm so honored when they have me at each milestone event. Sweet little Eli is so precious, and soon he will become a world traveler; Missy and Mike are moving to Indonesia to become missionaries for two years! Best wishes Towers family! :)
Now booking Spring and Summer sessions! :)
I had a fun session with the Cole family last weekend. Little Miss Tatum is 9 months old! Mommy wanted to get a few pics to test out the unicorn hat for her upcoming first birthday. Adorable!
A new son, a new brother...a new family member to love. Welcome home baby Daniel, you are so loved! :)
You guys I have a confession...I'm a Disney addict. There I said it, and I feel much better for getting it out there. Two years ago I made the comment that I loved my kids and all but I just couldn't see why anyone would spend a full week there. Opps. My bad. We have quickly become one of those crazy Disney families who while still at Disney are planning their next Disney vacay. So yeah, we went back to Disney World in January, after having just gone in September. We should seriously consider buying annual passes at this point...or moving to Anaheim or Orlando. ;)
A couple of weeks ago I hosted Fall mini sessions at Lafayette park. I'm so grateful for all of the families that came out, especially the families that continue to support my business time and time again. THANK YOU!! :)
When I photograph families my overall goal is to capture love. As cheesy as that may sound, its true. I'm not focusing on having everyone look at the camera, I'd rather capture the connection they share with each other...which also brings out natural smiles, happiness and joy. Its my goal to capture families as they are, in whatever season of life they are in...even the crazy toddler moments when it feels like total chaos! These are the memories that will bring a smile to your face twenty years down the road. I love this family session. Such a fun family full of love and happiness...and craziness with two small boys. :)
"In this house we are thankful, we give second chances, we give hugs, we laugh a lot, we do loud really well, we are real, we never give up, we love." - annonymous
I've been photographing this family since their engagement session! It's always a blessing to me to watch families grow and to be asked again and again to photograph their special moments! :)
This sweet family wanted one last photo session as a family of three, they are expecting a baby girl in February! :)
"Family is not defined by our genes, it is built and maintained through love." - anonymous
"I have been blessed with so much more than I deserve, to be here with the ones that love me, to love them so much it hurts. I have been blessed." - Martina McBride
"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." - Proverbs 22:6