St. Louis baby photographer
Happy Birthday Miss Tatum! I hope you had a wonderful first year, thank you for allowing me to capture some of your most memorable milestones! :)
A new son, a new brother...a new family member to love. Welcome home baby Daniel, you are so loved! :)
"If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart." - anonymous
"While we try to teach our children all about life, Our children teach us what life is all about."
~Angela Schwindt
Brooks recently celebrated his half birthday and I was lucky enough to spend some time with him capturing some of his favorite activities. At six months Brooks enjoys daily reading time with his mom and dad, tummy time with his toys and being introduced to a world of wonderful food! Thank you Brooks for letting me take your pictures, I look forward to seeing you in 3 more months! :)
Last week I went out to visit Miss Delaney. She is 9 months old and not slowing down one bit. She is a very active little girl and we decided to capture her in her element and doing what she does on a daily basis. At 9 months old she enjoys crawling everywhere, reading books, playing with tickle me Elmo and eating snacks! :)
This sweet little guy turned 3 months old last week. His mom and dad wanted to do something different than a regular "posed" session. They wanted to capture their everyday life together and what they normally do. This was a super fun session and I hope to do more lifestyle sessions. This is how you really want to remember your babies because its often these little everyday moments that we forget. :)